Automation and control of windows using mobile devices

Automation and control of windows using mobile devices

Automation and control of windows using mobile devices

Intelligent windows

Intelligent windows

As technology evolves, it is bringing innovation to different aspects of our lives, including our homes. One of the latest trends in the building industry is smart windows, which offer remote control and automation using mobile devices. In today's article, we take a look at this fascinating solution that allows for much greater convenience and control in our homes.

What are smart windows?

Smart windows, also known as 'smart windows', are innovative windows that are equipped with technology that allows various functions around the window to be controlled remotely. Examples of functions that can be controlled include lighting, blinds and even air conditioning. The main aim of these solutions is to bring more convenience, energy efficiency and security into our homes.

Advantages of intelligent windows

1. remote control

One of the main benefits associated with smart windows is remote control. With an app on your smartphone or tablet, you can control room lighting, adjust blinds and adjust air conditioning settings from anywhere in or outside your home. This means you can easily adjust the lighting and climate to create the right atmosphere indoors.

2. energy efficiency

Smart windows allow you to have better control over your energy consumption. You can optimise lighting according to the time of day, and control blinds to take advantage of natural sunlight. This can help lower your energy bills and reduce your environmental impact.

3 Safety

Not only can you control your lighting and blinds, but you can also monitor the status of your windows. If you have forgotten to close a window or balcony door, the app will notify you. This is an extra layer of security to avoid potential problems.

Popular smart window technologies

Popular smart window technologies

Popular smart window technologies

Lighting management systems

Smart windows often offer lighting solutions. You can adjust the brightness and colour of the light, creating the right atmosphere in the rooms.

2. Automatic blinds

With automatic roller shutters, you can control the amount of sunlight that enters the rooms. This not only provides privacy, but also helps to save energy.

3. air conditioning

Some smart window systems allow you to control the air conditioning in your home. You can adjust the temperature and humidity to your preferences, and schedule heating or cooling cycles.


How do you get started with smart windows?

To start using smart windows, here are some steps you need to take:

  1. Choice of manufacturer: Choose a smart window manufacturer and determine which features are most important to you.
  2. Installation: Contact the professionals who will install smart windows in your home.
  3. Mobile application: Download the corresponding app on your smartphone or tablet to control windows and other functions.
  4. Configuration: Configure the system, adjust the settings to your preferences and enjoy smart windows.

Smart windows are an exciting technology development in the construction industry. They offer greater control and convenience in our homes, while also contributing to energy efficiency. If you're looking for modern solutions for your home, smart windows could be a great choice.