Window Guide

Window Guide

Window guide

Windows are such an important part of our lives, and yet we rarely pay attention to them. How often do we look through them without even seeing them? However, windows are much more than they appear at first glance. Here you will find the most frequently asked questions according to google about windows. We will try to answer them on a regular basis and new questions and answers will appear here. We recommend that you check back regularly if you want to learn something new about windows.

What should the windows be made of? (Which windows to choose) (advantages and disadvantages of PVC, wood and aluminium)




Why replace old windows with new ones?




PVC window price list | how much do PVC windows cost?





Why choose uPVC windows?




What is a warm frame and why you should choose one




Triple-glazed windows and why you should




What does Warm Tape Assembly mean and why is it so important?


Najlepsze drzwi 2024


Which window colour should I choose?





Jakie rolety wybrać w 2024 roku?





Jak zamontować okno samemu?