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Non-opening windows or worth it - Advantages and disadvantages

Non-opening windows or worth it - Advantages and disadvantages

Non-opening windows or is it worth it? Advantages and disadvantages

Windows, of which not can be open (called also "windows fixed" or "fixes") become get increasingly more popular. Before all results it's z fashions on large glazing panoramic. Allows it's well illuminate interior, underline modern features building, optically enlarge room and establish interesting effect "openings" home on terrace or space garden. Especially often windows unopened selected are as supplement yes large glazing i illuminations interiors (usually w case other functional windows). In this article we list advantages i defects windows, which get not open i where check get best. 

Window types unopened

Windows fixed can be split on two types:

Glazed in the wing:
Glass fixed is To wings such as traditional window, but it's window not has metal fittings neither handles. At first projection eye looks such as ordinary window, which can be open i close. Checks get it's both w premises from fixed, such as i opening windows i is easy To adjustments, to establish coherent arrangement.

Glazed in frame:
Glass posts get directly on frame. This type closed windows is more popular. Provides effect panoramic i is ideal To projects websites shop i large glazing residential. Glass windows w under are considered per more tight than windows w sashes (however, it is worth emphasising that ultimately the level of thermal insulation provided by any window, including non-openable windows, depends among other things on the glazing package used, the production technique and whether or not the installation has been improved). What more, is usually cheaper than other types windows. 

advantages and disadvantages of non-opening windows

advantages and disadvantages of non-opening windows

Advantages and disadvantages of non-opening windows

Growing popularity windows, which get not open results z their many advantages. Windows fixed are o dozens percentage cheaper than windows ordinary (o including alone size), a it's very important, if to sb. dreams get very large glazing or many windows. Allows installation larger shaft than conventional windows (e.g. without necessity consideration of endurance fittings). Maybe also develop effects panoramic. W case large glazing z windows open necessary is split their posts on smaller parts, but w case windows permanent not is it's necessary (of course w under opportunities which gives glazing specific system). or material).

Large opportunities at towards geometry create also at selection windows, which get not open. Modern technology allows on production windows o very various shapes, but restrictions for windows opened are more restrictive than for windows unopened. In addition To full openings wings not is required none space (e.g. w room or on terrace). Windows fixed may be also natural choice of from considerations functional. At example, if you choose window corner, worth consider this option.

In addition windows, which get not open, not are equipped w certain elements, such such as fittings, which are subject to natural wear and tear. Thanks to to this not requires yes intensive maintenance such as opening windows i not has problems from tightness caused by cracked fittings. This type windows is often considered per safer. Equipped w robust glass thief is significantly harder puncture get via such Obstacles than Opening ordinary windows. 

However, fixed windows have also some relevant drawbacks. After First, not can be their use To ventilation premises. Property this makes, that w premises rarely assembles get windows, of which not can be open i close. However, mostly supplement windows, which can be open or at least repeal. Fixed glass is very easy w Maintenance, please however remember o its cleaning, because access To him requires both pages. Means it, that if not you want benefit z ladders during washing or not you want employ team professionals, preferably install them only on first floor or balcony.

When is it a good idea to install non-opening windows?

Formerly windows, which get not opened, mounted mainly w premises not belonging to To spaces residential: garages, warehouses, basements, larders. Window fixed it's still good solution,

Helps illuminate premises, which not require ventilation (not has needs installation of more expensive windows opened). Broadcasts get also To lighting attic. Slant ceilings often require installation of many windows, to respectively illuminate entire space. Alternatively you can select unusual location (e.g. just at floor) or other shape.

Windows unopened may low at the expense of provide sufficient access lights daily i may be used w places, w of which installation standard windows opened is difficult (e.g. low mounted windows require large quantities open spaces). sash). Often used are also skylights. Windows fixed it's also natural selection w facilities usability public i premises usable, especially w shops, w of which w websites exposed is product i advertisement. Stays get also popular w office. Facades all-glass are common w modern buildings offices. Thanks to to this solution you can let light daily To its employees i optically enlarge its office. Most z these windows normally get not opens.

W last years increasingly more houses single-family houses has windows, of which not can be open. Private investors prefer choose large glazing. Windows fixed perfectly check get as additional glazings terraces, kitchen i corridors, a also as element larger glazing. However, mostly selected are To showroom on ground floor, which is linked z space daily. e.g.. dining room.

Windows, which get not open, w many situations show get solution most functional or allowing on obtaining desired effect aesthetic. Worth however take care o it, to w peace, w which family stays via longer time, always found get at least one window, which can be open. 

Thermal transmittance of windows

Thermal transmittance of windows

Factor penetrations warm windows defines degree penetrations warm via whole fitting windows. Im less value of this parameter, including better insulation partitions insulation. Discussed here coefficient carries name Uw i is calculated on based on design mathematical.

Latest standard penetrations warm defines Revised Directive European 2010/31/EU, which establishes standard WT 2021, which for ordinary windows  not should cross Uw=0.9 W/m²K, a then Uw=1.1 W/m²K. for roof windows. Above requirements results z necessity building systems consuming very little energies. Information these are very important for persons planning construction or refurbishment buildings i should include new standards w prepared projects. 

How to calculate the Uw coefficient of a window?

The Uw coefficient for windows is calculated from the formula:


for which:

Ug - heat transfer coefficient of the glazing

Ag - area of the glass pane

Uf - frame thermal transmittance

Af - area of the frame

Ψg - linear heat transfer coefficient due to the combination of the glass, spacer and frame

lg - length of the linear thermal bridge between the glass and the frame

A - total window area

The coefficient value is given in the unit W/m²K.

Which windows to choose, taking into account their thermal transmittance?

Im lower coefficient penetrations warm windows, including better are its properties Protective. Issue this is relevant primarily all Therefore, that savings can be obtain mounting windows, which provide high insulation thermal.

What coefficient penetrations warm windows select Im lower temperature on Outside, including larger losses Heat. Therefore windows please choose w dependencies from conditions Environment, on which we can be exposed via whole year. In winter temperatures on our widths geographic may drop To About -30°C. Therefore worth invest w windows o coefficient penetrations warm 0,6-0,8 W/m²K.

What specifically window select Z our experiments results, that best solution are windows wooden or windows wood and aluminium. Use of sustainable, natural materials it's great option, which will keep its properties via many years. Z second pages, additional strengthening aluminium is justified, if target is increase Security windows.

As specialist w its field z pleasure will fly latest solutions z our offers product. Windows passive Kommerling 88 to windows o lowest coefficients penetrations Heat. We call this model passive, because coefficient Uw is 0,68 W/m²K. Confirms it's top standard certificate insulation. If looking for specific solutions, necessarily see get z our offers. We believe, that models windows available on this website meet needs even most advanced projects architectural. 

What affects heat loss in windows?

Main cause losses warm w windows are leaking windows. What is cause After First, use of materials low quality i unstable. If material has high coefficient expansion thermal, its dimensions may amend get at impact temperatures. Window displayed in summer on sun expands get, a in winter shrinks. Even 1 mm deflection edges maybe cause escape Heat. Another reason is inappropriate installation i insulation woodwork windows. Even most expensive i best window not will meet its tasks, if not will be properly mounted.

Warm installation windows is not only compatible z standards, but primarily all very economic. Thanks to such as solution significantly reduces get penetration warm via windows, what runs To savings economic i significantly increases comfort stays w premises. 

Heat transfer coefficient - why is it important?

Factor penetrations warm windows is parameter strictly linked z applicable standards technical. Modern architecture obliges owners To use of energy efficient solutions, a producers To manufacturing such products. But w these regulations not has nothing bad. W longer perspective money remain w home cash registers. Windows o low coefficient penetrations warm are not only friendly for environments, but also economic. Worth consider it's as investment, which fast get returns i maybe save a lot money w string several years. Looking for energy efficient windows To its home? Do you have other questions? Contact get z us. We can help Ci select best solution. 

Climatec 88 MD ventilation system

Climatec 88 MD ventilation system

Climatec 88 MD ventilation system

Climatec 88 MD ventilation system

Your new air quality - System 88 MD
The innovative window system from Kömmerling in a completely new design!
A slim profile that meets the requirements of passive house windows together with a self-adjusting ventilation system!
Foggy windows, mould on the wall, draughts when ventilating? Forget these problems!
Introducing a completely new, innovative solution: the combination of a new generation window system together with a self-adjusting ventilator.
88 MD Climatec ventilation system:
minimises high humidity and the risk of mould formation
promotes controlled air exchange
is placed in the upper part of the window
provides fresh air into the room without the need to open the window (may be a temptation for a burglar) - ideal for outings
ensures easy cleaning thanks to its design
designed to automatically regulate the air temperature.

What is worth knowing about the pergola?

What is worth knowing about the Pergola?



The pergola has seen a big surge in popularity over the past few years, as outdoor living continues to be a huge trend in home improvement. Of course, the pergola has been around for a long time (the origin probably dates back to ancient Egypt!), but it is also most often confused with other similar structures. People often confuse pergolas with gazebos, trellises and pavilions and are not always sure what a pergola is used for or what it looks like. Well, firstly, a pergola is a very popular outdoor structure that can be the perfect finishing touch to your outdoor space. It creates a focal point for your backyard and becomes the hub around which you focus your outdoor entertaining. It can also act as a transitional space, adding shade and privacy while maintaining a sense of openness and a view of the sky. So what does a pergola look like?
Full article here: KLIK