
Scandinavian windows

Scandinavian windows

Scandinavian windows

Scandinavian windows

Windows Scandinavian it's not only stylish solution, but also functionality i energy efficiency.

They have many advantages, what makes, that it's solution, popular w countries Scandinavian, gains increasingly more supporters w Poland.
Their characteristic style links w yourself functionality, simplicity i natural materials.
Windows Scandinavian from due to on its minimalist design i high quality performances often recognised are per elements decorative introducing Scandinavian climate To interiors.
What characterise get windows Scandinavian i for whom will be good choice?

Scandinavian style only in Scandinavia?

Scandinavian windows

Scandinavian windows

Solution it's used is mainly w countries Scandinavian such such as Norway, Sweden, Dishes or Finland, however w last time gained popularity w other parts world.
Style Scandinavian definitely typed by get w prevailing trend.
Bright interiors Scandinavian are primarily all spacious, characterise get purity shapes i elegant colours.
Interior has been arranged w including style, to provide impeccable i fresh atmosphere.
Simple i convenient style fits both To homes, such as i flats.
Flats w style Scandinavian often have decorations w forms lanterns or books on wooden shelves.
Decorators often choose wicker.
Woven chairs, woven baskets i garlands z branches trees perfectly supplement raw interior.
If walks o textiles, mostly uses get fabrics natural.
W including: cotton, flax i jute.
Coarse woven bedspreads i blankets are excellent addition To interiors w style Scandinavian.
However, windows Scandinavian are inherent element premises w including style.

Features of Scandinavian windows

Features of Scandinavian windows

Features of Scandinavian windows

Windows Scandinavian, called also "windows Swedish" or "windows Norwegian', distinguish get a range of guilds, which make them very popular w countries Scandinavian i increasingly more often appear get on Polish market.
One z basic trait is it, that opens get it on Outside, a not To inside, such as w traditional style.
Scandinavian system opening windows dictated by is climate prevailing on far North.
Factors atmospheric, such such as strong wind i cold, forced creation of constructions waterproof, relevant for strong blasts winds.
What interesting, to facilitate washing windows opened on Outside, developed technology doors tiltable 180°.
Thanks to to this not has necessity cleaning windows from outside on various ways.
Additionally relatively narrow profile allows on obtaining higher coefficient permeability lights.
W case windows Scandinavian coefficient this maybe get vary w dependencies from model i manufacturer, but in general houses get w range 70% 80%.
Please indicate, that windows Scandinavian often characterise get less surface glazings than windows traditional, what maybe have impact on level penetrations lights To premises.
Because however glass very well insulates, maybe minimise losses warm i reduce costs Heating, what is important aspect of for persons living w countries o cold climate, e.g.
Windows Scandinavian arise also z materials natural, such such as wood or wood combined z aluminium.
Solution it's not only increases insulation thermal, but also creates inside natural climate i helps maintain relevant humidity.
External cladding aluminium makes, that windows these not require complex i time-consuming maintenance.
Additionally natural materials broadcast Scandinavian windows unique i aesthetic appearance.
Solution it's characterises get also simple i minimalist design.
Characterised by get simple lines i bright colours, allowing match get To Surroundings.
Simple design makes, that windows these are easy w installation i use.
If walks o maintenance i cleaning, windows Scandinavian not are too demanding.
Of course regular cleaning is necessary, however not is necessary use of specialist preparations or strong detergents.
Worry get issues security?
Windows so-called
Swedish are very safe thanks to application special mechanisms preventing accidental closure of or opening of windows.
Additionally many windows Scandinavian equipped w additional security anti-burglary.

Types of Scandinavian windows

Scandinavian windows

Scandinavian windows

There is many types windows Scandinavian, which differ get both style, such as i function.
Distinguishes get five basic types windows Scandinavian:
Sideswing - window opening on side, i.e. on left or right page.
Opening is held get per with the help of special fittings placed after both pages framework windows.
Side windows are easy w service i enable free circulation air.
Topswing - window opening from mountains, i.e. from top arm windows.
Opening is held get per with the help of special fittings placed w top parts framework windows.
Windows type topswing allow on easy ventilation premises i provide optimal flow air.
Drehkip - it's window, which enables opening on two ways:
tilt To inside or open on side.
Opening is held get per with the help of special fittings placed in the middle framework windows.
Windows Drehkip enjoy get large popularity w countries Scandinavian from due to on its functionality i ease of handling.
Topphengslet - called also window roof, it's kind of windows widely used w countries Scandinavian, especially w Norway i Denmark.
Open get from mountains i are fixed To lateral edges arms, thanks to why can be them open even during rain.
Sidehengslet - is it's window opening on side, however w distinction from Sideswing opens get per with the help of fittings placed on top edges framework windows.
Window of this type has also interlock opening.
Window of this type provides also free circulation air i convenience uses.
It is widely used w Norway i Denmark.

When is it worth considering choosing Scandinavian windows?

Windows Scandinavian z rules not are cheapest, but are good quality i z rules serve via many years.
Will be good choice, especially for These, who live w windy areas or which depends on high waterproof.
Design reduces Risk leakage warm z building.
They are simple i elegant.
Mostly windows Scandinavian performed are z solid timber, however currently many producers offers them also w versions PVC.
Windows Scandinavian will be good choice of for These, who appreciate energy efficiency, safety, aesthetics, durability i high quality performances.
It is it's also selection for These, who want have large sill.
Function this allows on opening windows without necessity each removals subject z sill.
Windows of this type associate get especially z colours anthracite, graphite i dark black.
Choosing windows To its home or flats, worth consult its decision from specialists.
Allows it's avoid many problems i will allow enjoy get beautiful i functional windows via many years.

Types of window security - ensure your comfort and safety!

Types Security windows take care o its comfort i SAFETY!

Types of window security - ensure your comfort and safety!

Types of window security - ensure your comfort and safety!

Main task each windows is providing comfort i Security to persons residing at w building.
Key is not only selection modern, resistant on damages woodwork construction o excellent parameters, but also investment w additional safeguards.
Find out get o types Security windows.
Thanks to before avoid risks theft i you will be enjoy get many other benefits.
What security windows worth choose?
Here is best proposals, which will provide To you i Your close to calm sleep!

Burglar protection for windows

The basis of Security householders is specialist security windows before theft, which eliminates Risk before get To measure persons thirds.
Thanks to before thief not will be could use crowbar To knock-outs or undermine glazing, what effectively will increase Your security i secure valuable items before theft.
W GM PLAST we offer additional fittings z anti-theft strikers, w including unique double locking hooks.
W connection z extremely permanent frame aluminium, PVC or wooden, window will create impenetrable barrier.
Roller shutter

Roller shutter

External blinds

If you want secure get before theft, worth take care not only o security anti-theft its windows, but also o reliable blinds external.
Even solutions without layers anti-burglary available w offer GM PLAST significantly hinder breakout windows, providing including alone maximum security domestics.
They are also way on achievement full privacy, at the same time protecting before curious Views neighbours or passers-by.But it's not all.
Blinds external have many other advantages.
Investing w not you can count on:
saving energies i improvement of insulation thermal building blinds external protect in summer before excessive insolation, a in winter effectively stop heat inside;
protect window before unfavourable factors external, what extends them aesthetically i functionally; reduce noise coming z outside i including alone increase comfort householders.
W offer GM PLAST find get high quality blinds facade i blinds external - blinds concealed, surface-mounted i façade, which you can adapt To its needs at towards design i parameters.

Insulating glass units

Huge impact on functionality windows has also applied Glass.
At which worth stake?
W GM PLAST we offer glazing composite submitting get z two or greater numbers panels, separated by divider on all circumference.
Thanks to closed spaces completed gases precious and special coating emitting heat reach excellent properties.
Z one pages glass safe GM PLAST is significantly more durable i therefore maybe constitute element system anti-burglary.
Z second pages characterise get excellent insulation thermal i acoustic, what is best way on providing domestics Comfort.
Insulated glass safe characterises get also perfectly flat surface i high aesthetics.
Thanks to to this perfectly will fit get w each, even most elegant interior.
Push-button handle

Push-button handle

Handles with key or push button

Handles windows secured before children will be ideal solution for freshmen parents.
Refers to it's primarily all special keys i buttons, thanks to which the youngest householders not will be could independently open windows.
It's best way on avoidance of risks accidents.
W GM PLAST we offer very diverse range models handles, available w many versions colours, which thanks to its modern design will be aesthetically pleasing addition To each windows.

Opening sensors

Unique solution for These, who especially appreciate convenience i safety, are sensors openings windows, which provide full control over carpentry i carry from yourself many benefits.
Their reaction launches relevant configured z with them systems - alarm, heating or air conditioning.
W GM PLAST we offer simple, but extremely useful devices, reed switches can be them connect To:
system alarm, thanks to to whom notify o unwanted opening of windows, what will prevent theft;
system air conditioning, which allows on full control temperatures Surroundings, a including alone provides maximum Comfort;
thermostat heating, allows on significant savings energies, a what per including goes, reducing accounts.

GM PLAST - windows with increased safety class

Want enjoy get maximum comfort i calm sleep?
Invest w safe windows, to effectively reduce Risk theft.
Warmly recommended all attested windows anti-burglary (RC2 or RC3), which we offer at GM PLAST - even w case woodwork wooden or plastic.
Investing w no, gain full protection before theft.
You will invest also w safe, comfortable i extremely permanent windows, which remain beautiful i will be well act even after years intensive uses.
Want find out get more on topic Security system windows or consider investment w best solutions?
Contact get z GM PLAST!

Autumn stencils for windows 2023

Autumn stencils for windows 2023

Autumn stencils for windows 2023

Autumn stencils for windows 2023

Decorate your windows in autumn

With autumn and the increasingly shorter days, have you thought about decorating your windows? In this article you will find some ideas on how you can do this

Warm shades to bring colour back into your interior

To keep the warm atmosphere around windows, choose seasonal colours for your curtains, such as ochre, saffron, linen and even certain shades of red. Decorate the inside too sills your windows by placing elements that relate to autumn, such as a composition of dried flowers and colourful leaves. In addition, it can be a good idea to set up a cosy reading corner next to the window. A blanket, a cup of tea and a good book will then give you delightful pleasure. Finally, some markers allow you to decorate your windows temporarily. This can also be great fun for your children, who can use their talents and add some colour to your windows.

Windows Autumn 2023

Windows Autumn 2023

External window decoration for autumn 2023

For the exterior, it is better to choose weather-resistant elements. For example, hanging wreaths of pine branches and thorns yellowed in autumn on shutters, windows and doors will give your home an original and seasonal touch. You can also mount beautiful pumpkins under your windows. This is especially relevant for Halloween: don't hesitate to carve wonderfully scary masks out of them. You can even insert candles or other lighting into the pumpkins to highlight your artistic work. When November arrives, the pumpkins used for Halloween can be replaced by various other decorations, or simply eaten because the pumpkin is the queen of autumn cooking. In order to present the pumpkins in a dignified way, you can place them, for example, in a beautiful wooden box, an old wheelbarrow decorated for the occasion or even on a small garden table. Finally, install an outdoor lantern to illuminate the decorative elements after darkness falls and enjoy your achievements.

Curtains in autumn colours

Curtains in autumn colours

Curtains in autumn colours

First i simplest way on emphasis autumn atmospheres at interior is change curtains.
To select colours, search inspirations w nature:
Invite To interiors heather violet w various shades, add warm palette bile, oranges i burgundy known z parks alleys or decorate interior duly To pores year gold.
However, w many premises colours these may be somewhat too expressive, sharp contrasting e.g.
z dominant white walls.
W such case arranging autumn decorations windows worth place on safer shades of beige, which at the same time can add interior delicate Heat.
Good idea will be also white curtains z coloured model or w subtle blue colour matching To the rest decor.
A what if w at all not we want choose curtains?
Before gloomy days we can protect get also using blinds wooden, selecting models w appropriate tones To our interiors.
It's elegant solution, especially for These, who choose rustic style decoration.
Window decoration autumn 2023

Window decoration autumn 2023

What can be done to keep windows from steaming 2023?

What to do to windows not steamed 2023?

Window steaming

Window steaming

Pairing windows home is often linked z errors technical resulting from from bad state windows or errors assembly.
However, reasons such state stuff are often very trivial i linked z natural processes physicochemical occurring w Environment.
Not means it's however, that we must abolish appearance get streaks on wet glazing.
What do, to glazing not evaporated?
Below we present simple i effective ways solutions of this The problem.

Why do windows steam up?

Fogging windows w flat mostly appears get on effect large difference temperatures on outside i inside home.
Effect this enhances in addition high humidity air i weak ventilation premises.

Why glazing fog up from inside?

Glazing fog up from inside, often in autumn i in winter.
Temperature on outside is then low, w unlike To insulation inside flats.
Warm, damp air trying leave room encounters on obstacle w forms cold Glasses.
Difference temperatures causes condensation pairs Water i its evaporation z interiors windows.
Factors enhancing humidity air w premises, such such as cooking, drying clothes or Bathing, increase intensity fogging windows w data rooms.

Why glazing fog up from Outside?

Glazing fog up from outside on effect condensation.
Phenomenon it's mostly occurs in spring, when warm air z nearby plants, soils or waters evaporates, a then evening cools get i condenses on surfaces windows.
Problem concerns mainly aesthetics: fogged window roof, on which has been still some drops water, will be required purifications z left streaks.

Why do windows steam between the panes?

Previous cause fogging shaft was phenomenon natural.
If however windows have fogged spaces between glazing, cause maybe be their leakage, what often has location w case old windows wooden.
However, space internal modern windows from glasses composite fill in gases noble, which protect before evaporation.
If so on internal surfaces windows appear get drops water, means it, that escapes gas i window is leaky.

Window has coefficient fogging i penetrations warm

Factor penetrations warm windows defines capacity windows To penetrations Heat.
Standards legal require use of solutions providing high tightness, a what per including goes saving energies.
If window is fogged between glazing, can be have reassurance, that value parameter for concerned kind of glasses significantly get reduced.
What to do to prevent windows from steaming 2023

What to do to prevent windows from steaming 2023

What can be done to prevent windows from steaming?

Fogged up windows w home are on general phenomenon normal i not require complex interventions.
Just follow several simple principles. Which?

What do, when glazing fog up from inside?

Best ways, to prevent fogging windows from inside, is providing good circulation air w rooms.
To it's do, flat must be regularly ventilated.
Like however close windows, to in winter not condensed w them moisture?
To avoid overcooling flats, worth equip windows w holes ventilation.
It's passive solution provides continuous exchange air i automatically regulates humidity air, not lowering temperatures w rooms.
Remember also o inclusion of hood kitchen during cooking, fan lift w bathroom after baths i maintenance of grilles ventilation w good standing.

Guidance concerning fogged windows external

Glazing on outside evaporate on effect differences temperatures, on which not we have impact.
One from ways restrictions condensation on windows is maintenance permanent temperatures w flat i providing appropriate circulation air.

Solution for windows z condensation between glazing

Steaming windows between glazing show defects Technical, which often require exchanges.
Blurbs water emerging inside windows restrict visibility, a their location prevents washing windows.
The only one, what can be w including case do, it's prevent further leaks z windows.
W including purpose please select robust fittings To windows PVC or fittings To windows wooden, thanks to why avoid further problems related z leaks.
W our offer find get also accessories To windows tilt-and-turn, which are ideal solution for These, who want keep full control over flow air w rooms.
Thanks to our accessories To windows  you can enjoy get full of comfort i avoid nuisance fogging between glazing.

Best ways on advice yourself z fogged windows w home

Independently from of this, or windows w Your flat are fogged from inside, from outside or from inside, worth remember o several basic ways, which allow avoid problem fogged windows.
First, if it's possible, set window yes, to air could freely flow.
W warm pores year often we can them widen or leave open, but w cold pores year we can benefit z options airing window.
If not is it's possible, please fast reduce temperature i delete damp air, fast airing room.
Good way maybe be also maintenance permanent temperatures w flat, thanks to to this will disappear effects fogging shaft on effect large fluctuations temperatures.
Best way is of course equipment flats w robust, waterproof windows.
W this way protect get before leaks i problematic fogging shaft between glazing.
Steaming windows

Steaming windows

PVC window adjustment 2023

Adjustment PVC windows 2023

PVC window adjustment 2023

Adjustment PVC windows 2023

Even easiest looking windows single leaf, against appearances, have very submitted construction, including even dozens mobile elements.
Good quality joinery, purchased from renowned manufacturer, provides long vitality, even dozens years.
To however reach such effect, must o it's take care.
One z such ways is: adjustment windows, preparation To further season:
other on summer, other on winter.
Z of this guide find out get such as adapt windows To conditions winter i summer.
See, or you can it's do.

Why necessary is adjustment windows?

Task windows not is easy: has it provide security i often is exposed on action difficult conditions atmospheric, such such as sun, frost or moisture, what maybe result in inappropriate regulation Mechanisms, a what per including goes less tightness.
Leaky windows may be also effect normal uses (opening i closure).
Adjustment windows maybe be necessary previously, than you think, because larger constructions have trend To subsidence w string first several months after assembly.
There is large probability, that frame window just has changed location, a its adjustment will allow Ci avoid necessity calls service after assistance or even exchanges windows.
Ignore problem maybe cause, that w flat will start circulate cold air, causing loss of warm w home or, what worse, w at all not will be can be close windows.

When please make regulation windows w home?

Adjustment windows it's action, which please repeat seasonally, independently from of this, or notice any problems operational, or also no.
Such systematic approach will allow us take care o tightness windows i avoid situations, w of which loss of warm w home becomes get noticeable i problematic.
If not we will make such maintenance before in winter or in summer, necessarily please carry out adjustment immediately after stating, that our windows not want get close or are leaking.
Ignoring problem maybe run To many unnecessary complications.

Whether periodic adjustment windows is it relevant?

Even if you think, that leaking windows not are Your The problem, windows please adjust at least two times w year.
Adjustment windows winter allows on adjustment pressure wings w purpose increases tightness windows.
However, adjustment windows before in summer will result, that frame window will reduce emphasis on frame, improving including alone ventilation home, letting more air.

Adjustment windows winter/summer - such as increase or reduce pressure per sash?

Adaptation pressure windows To pores year will prevent fall wings i leaks construction.
In winter temperature per window is uncomfortable, a w periods holiday heat radiates from all pages - both situations may have impact on comfort thermal w home.
Adjustment windows plastic, w including correct adaptation accessories, it's quite straight operation, which you can perform alone.
Will increase it's tightness in winter, a in summer will improve ventilation i circulation air

Prepare your windows for winter

When on outside does get cooler i you start get ponder, from where wind blows To Your home, you should firstly check sealing windows.
Winter mode windows will allow save on costs Heating.
Preparation windows on winter please start from checks rolls interlocking w wing.
Your task will be adjustment of their yes, to increase tightness windows i including alone limit tributary cold air To interiors.
Fittings reply to per pressure wings To frame and their correct location.
If you want increase emphasis, you must move rolls locking closer to seals.
After first regulation please check or window opens get i closes correctly.
If occur difficulties, means it, that wing is too firmly pressed i please them somewhat push back from seals.
Usually after pressing wings to frame  handle starts work somewhat stronger - is it's state entirely normal.

Adjustment windows for summer

When coming summer, necessary is re adjustment of pressure windows plastic, to improve ventilation premises i enter more fresh air To home.
Tym together follow inversely than you adjust windows To winter: reduce emphasis windows on per sash.
Window adjustment

Window adjustment

Height adjustment of window sashes

Adjustment windows plastic we carry out not only w dependencies from pores year, but also w case problems z opening or when window not wants get close.
During first uses windows have trend To tipping get.
Then please make small changes w location wings.
Fittings windows on lower hinge reply to per correct height i location towards axes hinge.

Adjustment windows w vertical consists of on setting their w tilt position.

Independent height adjustment plastic windows - step by step

Step 1 - Take down cover hinge.
Step 2 - Tighten top visible screw regulatory w direction compatible z movement tips clock per with the help of key allen SW4.
Thanks to to this frame windows will start get raise.
Step 3 - Check, or window easily get opens i closes.
W for now problems (w dependencies from needs) please slightly loosen screws after left website or stronger tighten them after Right, to adjustment brought to desired effect.
Step 4 - Set up cover z back on hinge.
If you want amend location wings after diagonal, adjust fitting located get w top parts hinge.

Is it worth adjusting the windows yourself?

You know already, such as important is adaptation windows plastic.
W reality not is it's difficult i if you have talent To DIY, you can it's make alone.
A what the most important, thanks to our instructions adjustment windows will be made correctly.
Thanks to to this adjustment tightness windows will be adapted To current pores year i including alone will improve their functionality.
If you want enjoy get simple i fault-free service its windows via many years, necessarily you should independently make their seasonal regulation!

GM PLAST distinguished by the Employment Office in Police

GM PLAST distinguished by the Employment Office in Police

GM PLAST distinguished by the Employment Office in Police

GM PLAST distinguished by the Employment Office in Police

The president of our company GM PLAST Robert Szymanowicz was invited to a meeting at the Employment Office in the city of #Police. We would like to thank you sincerely for inviting our company to the meeting and for the recognition we received. We are extremely grateful for the opportunity to participate in such an important event that promotes the development of the local community and the creation of new jobs.
Our aim is to contribute to economic growth and improve the quality of life of the people of this town. We are therefore delighted to be working with the Job Centre, which plays a key role in supporting local businesses and jobseekers.
With your support and initiatives, we are confident that we will be able to create new jobs that will have a positive impact on the economic development of the region. We are ready to take any action that will foster the development of the local labour market and contribute to the long-term prosperity of the residents of Police.
We are convinced that our cooperation will benefit both our company and the local community. We would like to thank you once again for the invitation and the recognition you have shown us. We are sure that together we will achieve success and contribute to the development of the city of Police.

MasterLine 8 Pivot door

MasterLine 8 Pivot door

Revolving doors

Revolving doors

A unique door for your home
MasterLine 8 pivot door is a unique solution
for your home. Allows you to create huge
glazed or panel-filled structures.
A Pivot XL configuration is available within the system,
whose structures are up to 4 metres high.
Revolving doors can be an interesting alternative to
sliding patio doors or folding doors
The structures are characterised by high thermal insulation
and tightness. A variant is also available
anti-burglary. Pivot MasterLine 8 doors are the ideal
solution, which can be used in an amazing
way in both modern buildings and those
after renovations.
MasterLine 8 pivot doors are also compatible
with home automation, so that they can be
opening and closing by code or scan


Pivot doors in the MasterLine 8 system make it possible to
individual personalisation in terms of filling,
colour as well as choice of hardware. For Pivot doors
standard panels can be filled
or glass, while in Pivot XL only glass.
To ensure that MasterLine 8 Pivot doors meet all your
expectations, including visual ones, you can choose their colour
of all those available in the RAL palette and in
any finish: matt, satin, texture, anodised
and wood-based.
The handle is most often used on doors
entrance, where the design is an eye-catcher
visitors. Our grab rails are available in many variants
designs, so you can easily find the one,
which best suits the character of your project.
For MasterLine 8 Pivot standard doors available
are all the door handles in our range, such as
also handles of the Square, Fin, Hook and Round types,
fitted from the outside. For MasterLine 8 Pivot doors
XL available with Hook and eye bracket and cassette mounted
in the reinforcement profile.

The MasterLine 8 Pivot door in Landscape is the ideal choice for congress centres,
stadiums or private large terraces. The possibilities offered by this solution are
including manual opening and locking in the open position. These are just some of the many benefits
of this solution.

What does the MasterLine 8 Landscape XL Pivot Door solution offer?
Unlimited number of door leaves with a maximum size of 2.5x4m and weight
Up to 500 kg
Narrow section up to 155mm
Handle-operated ventilation openings, first with double-synchronised
locking, others with handle-operated locks
Locking of the espagnolette, also allowing the 90° open position to be fixed
Minimalist handle or standard handle possible

How to seal windows in 2023?

How to seal windows in 2023?

How to seal windows in 2023?

How do you seal windows?

Windows are one z the weakest points w maintenance temperatures w home. Despite warm installation windows may not be w 100% airtight, especially after long time from assembly. Even optimally mounted new windows pass minimum quantity coolness i moisture. Windows should be closed, when temperature falls in autumn i in winter. When coming cold weather, not only causes it's discomfort, but also increases costs Heating, what is large load for many farms domestic. Therefore better previously return attention on sealing windows, to provide yourself comfort i heat w cold pores year. Windows can be effectively seal on many ways. Biggest problems z sealing appear get, when windows are incorrectly mounted. Errors installations are difficult To repairing later. Windows plastic w new buildings z rules not require general refurbishment, to retrieved its tightness. Sealing windows requires ownership relevant materials i technician teaching get, to properly seal window. W Internet is many films showing, such as fix leaking windows. 

Causes of leaking windows

Experts claim, that even 30% warm escapes via leaking windows. It's not only huge loss temperatures, but also additional costs. Causes leaks windows maybe be much. In winter low temperatures often cause shrinkage get materials, a even robust plastic windows may start pass the cold air.

Leakage windows you can check alone. Easiest is put your hands in various parts windows, preferably around hinges i handles. If feel clear blast wind i cold, Your windows may be unclosed. To check if a window is leaking using the following method you will need a piece of paper. Between frame a wing please insert card. If card can be easily take down after closure of plastic windows, means it, that window is leaky.

During installation old windows maybe come to To leakage z due to consumption material. Gaskets drop out or crumble get. W case new windows most common cause leaks is incorrect installation or bad regulation. Appropriate tightening hinges or installation of new seals will allow avoid problem forwards get cold air To premises. 

Window sealing - what should you know?

Seal windows not only protects before cold, but also effectively insulates interior building i prevents forwarding get moisture. Appropriate sealing windows is so important not only for Comfort, but also for security premises before destruction of i reductions costs Heating. To obtain robust window, link frame from wall or installation wings windows on each frame must be perfect.

Window sealing

Window sealing

If you have skills DIY, you can independently seal windows or rent professional company occupied get sealing, regulation i repairing windows. Windows lined are from inside material vapour barrier. At example: tapes silicone or special, z material vapour-permeable (e.g. foam) on Outside. If not you will use get To this principles, you expose get on fogging i liquefaction get pairs Water on windows, what not only will result in errors assembly, but also unsightly will be look. 

Window adjustment

During regulation windows please adjust hinges yes, to plastic window not it hung downwards. Hanging windows not only not are airtight, but lower part of windows rubs get o frame, wing hard get opens i closes, repeal is difficult, a even hinges are damaged or broken. Windows plastic i wooden (old or new) may require regulation.

Windows worth adjust two times w year in summer i in winter. Windows often are leaking, because material at impact warm in summer expands get, a in winter shrinks. Beyond including so much times daily closing, open i repeal windows, that may get them already not match. Summer windows are too heavily pressed To framework, via what fall get or not close, a in winter may leakage. Windows plastic are most sensitive on changes temperatures i are currently mostly installed. 

Effective window sealing methods

Leaks z plastic windows it's (but not the only one) problem on so much common, that there is many ways on their effective sealing. Works waterproofing please perform such as fastest. Especially in winter, when To home raids dangerous chill.

Accordingly prepare get To seals. Some ask o execution research thermal imaging before accession To work. Thanks to to this find out get, where heat escapes fastest. It is it's most professional method on market. Especially profitable, if fear get necessity seals large numbers windows. e.g. bought home To renovation and you suspect, that windows not are enough airtight. 

The most common methods include sealing with gaskets, sealing tape, foam, silicone and special sealing strips. Each sealing method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the final choice often depends on individual preferences.

Window sealing with gaskets

Sealing windows per with the help of seals it's one z most common solutions. If you have window PVC, easiest solution is sealing go gasket.

To provide correct sealing, firstly clean up window. Similarly such as wings windows, framework should be cleared z dust, fat i other pollution. Available are gaskets z foams polyurethane or most durable gaskets z EPDM. Very important factor is adaptation size seals. Set go yes, to not disturbed w opening i closing windows. Increasingly more often producers (especially new windows) weld gaskets on fixed. To recent was it's very beneficial solution providing high tightness windows. But when even such gaskets get will wear off, begin get problems. Excision welded gaskets i installation of new gaskets w purpose behaviour similar tightness maybe be very problematic. Size gaskets please select according to z guarantee on window or contract z installer, which defines location placement relevant designations. Gasket can be mount both on windows plastic, such as i wooden. Sealing per with the help of gaskets is very simple methods.
After simply attach To links framework internal i frame according to z instructions on packaging. 

Professional master at repair and installation of windows, changes rubber seal gasket in pvc windows.

Sealing tape

Another material To effective sealing windows is tape sealing. Tape self-adhesive is mostly available w shops i significantly facilitates whole process sealing windows. External gasket has per task hold air i moisture, usually covered by tape or film vapour-permeable, to prevent gathering get moisture, at the same time enabling ventilation windows.

Tape is overlaid on frame i halves walls, to establish barrier before the elements. Modern tapes sticky have per task not shrink get i not swell at impact rays UV, what guarantees high grip via many years. If tape will fall off, glue it on site or buy new tape, to replace the whole. However, respectively glued tape will provide tightness windows via some years. Tape should perfectly adhere both To walls, such as i To framework. 

This type of tape can be brick up or paint on colour facades or sill. We distinguish professional tape duo (matching get To temperatures i humidity environments) and multifunctional tape expansion (tape vapour-permeable, which not only significantly facilitates assembly, but also significantly reduces cost waterproofing windows plastic). 

Foam sealing

Sealing windows plastic foam issues get be one z best solutions. It's universal solution for all, who feel cold air penetrating get via leaks, cracks i crevices w its windows. Foam is very valuable material, because well composes get z each space, a surplus material can be easily remove. Please remember, that foam insulation after inserting maybe significantly increase its volume. Its quantity maybe increase even three times. Please it's take at attention at sealing windows foam. Foam serves To waterproofing both External, such as i internal parts premises. Maybe however leave traces after foam assembly, therefore please keep caution during applications. Material sealing o excellent resilience on terms and conditions atmospheric i properties antifungal. Overlay foams per with the help of gun is very easy To independent performances i maybe fast i relatively cheaply seal windows. Excess bubbles can be easily remove, thanks to why are them almost invisible. 

Silicone sealing

Sealing windows silicone is yes itself effective, such as filling fissures mass sealing, tape or foam. It is it's material, which well get stretches i is very easy w use. Silicone provides very precise sealing windows. It is however recommended w case small leaks, such such as narrow gaps i small gaps. Silicones (such such as foam) not have properties extensions, therefore To seals of the entire windows please apply their large quantity.

Therefore w case use of silicone preferably is identify location leakage on window i put there small quantity fillings. Best use transparent silicone, which not highlights get on Background dark or wooden ram windows. Available also w white silicone, which is mostly used To sealing windows PVC

Sealing strips

Gasket window it's not only element sealing windows, but also detail finishing. Slats are available w various colours, to match them To selected windows. Tapes sealing To windows have usually self-adhesive edges, thanks to why installation is quick i easy. First, attach i match slats To all edges windows. Too long strips can be freely trim.

Belt is usually somewhat stiffer than other sealants windows, what has both advantages (good protection before cracks i fissures), such as i cons. Degree freedoms assemblies is somewhat inferior. Not recommends get sealing small cavities per with the help of strips. W including case silicone is better. Mounting slats worth from time To time check, or installation not disturbs w opening i closing windows.

Thanks to special properties slats are very resistant on terms and conditions atmospheric, thanks to why broadcast get both on cool, damp, such as i sunny days. Not store tapes sealing via longer time, to prevent drying adhesive on tape sealing. Thanks to slats sealing you can enjoy get robust windows via long years.

Correct sealing windows in winter provides comfort i, what be maybe the most important, savings. Leaky windows may have many causes, from inappropriate installation after age windows. However, w most cases problem can be solve per with the help of simple measures. But not forget ... regular broadcasting! In winter necessary is regular airing premises, what effectively combats coolness i moisture. 

Which windows to choose? What should you pay attention to before buying?

Which windows to choose? What should you pay attention to before buying?

Which windows to choose? What should you pay attention to before buying?

Which windows to choose? What should you pay attention to before buying?

Accordingly matched windows can swap ordinary home w real oasis, To of which z pleasure get returns. Issues visual it's however only beginning. At selection fittings windows please analyse some relevant factors, which decide o system usable premises, comfort flats and level costs Heating. Worth so well rethink this decision, to voluntary purchase popular model not obscured prospects its uses w The future. What windows select To its home i on which criteria return particular attention? 

Which windows to choose for your home? The most important criteria

Before purchase windows please analyse highlights factors, which decide o including, or their installation will work w Your specific case.

Thermal insulation

Im better insulation, including less warm escapes z premises. Value this defines coefficient penetrations warm Uw windows. Im this value is smaller, including window is more energy-efficient. Models o coefficient Uw About 0,8 W/m2K or smaller e.g. Kommerling 88 MD called are windows passive i reduce demand energetic premises on heating. 

Sound insulation

This parameter in brief means suppression noise external. If home finds get at busy Street, worth equip go w windows o high insulation performance acoustic Rw. Values reported are w dB, im higher value including better protection before noise. According to z standard PN-B-02151-3 optimal level noise w premises it's 40 dB w day i 30 dB w nights. 

Burglary resistance

The RC resistance class contains 6 points, and the higher the grade, the better the burglary protection.

  • RC1 - use of small tools and physical force,
  • RC2 - use of simple tools (screwdriver, handsaw),
  • RC3 - use of a crowbar, drift or drill,
  • RC4 - use of heavy tools (hammer, axe, chisels),
  • RC5 - use of power tools (drills, jigsaws, handsaws, angle grinders),
  • RC6 - use of heavy-duty, high-powered power tools.

Additional parameters

When selecting windows, it is also worth considering additional parameters such as:

  • light transmission,
  • resistance to opening and closing,
  • mechanical strength,
  • wind load resistance,
  • Waterproof.

Which window material to choose?

One z highlights issues is selection materials, z of which made are windows. What are our possibilities?

Windows wooden it's ideal solution for enthusiasts classic elegance. It has high insulation thermal, high tightness i resistance on terms and conditions atmospheric. Additional asset is possibility performances on order windows wooden o any shaped. A plastic windows? About 12 years to this windows PVC associate get z modernity. Z sometimes solution it's stood get very popular, mainly from due to on relatively low price. But or worth invest on longer finish? O including we wrote w our article Windows wooden vs plastic - which choose? . There are better ways on broadcasting Your home modern appearance, such such as windows wooden or aluminium. Link classic product z longevity i still greater sustainability makes go more economic i friendly for environments.


Which windows to choose for your home - new and refurbished?

Many people wonder what the windows for new and renovated homes should be. Will the choice of material make a difference here?

Which windows for your new home

When choosing windows for your new home, you are only limited by your budget. We strongly recommend choosing solid wooden windows for buildings finished in the classic style, while durable timber-aluminium frames are ideal for the modern style.

Which windows for an old house

When buying windows for an old house, it is worth remembering to match the model to the character of the building. Here, we recommend wooden windows with frames in a neutral colour.

What window colour for a modern home?

Last important point To checks is selection colour finishes windows. Is modern homes are condemned on universal white? Not you can get more confusion, but white is always good solutions. Brown shade brings back on thought classics, but checks get also w modernist architecture. Application frames w colour black or graphite is ideal for These, who want enter simplicity To its Surroundings. For enthusiasts innovative i unusual solutions available are bold proposals, such such as subdued shades of reds i pomegranate. The only limitation is Your imagination. 

Which window company to buy?

Selection suppliers not should be accidental. We produce windows from 25 years i we know o with what we say, what confirm our satisfied customers. Our product has two main features:
durability i design. You are planning purchase windows, we can help Ci select best solution i dissipate Your doubts.

Non-opening windows or worth it - Advantages and disadvantages

Non-opening windows or worth it - Advantages and disadvantages

Non-opening windows or is it worth it? Advantages and disadvantages

Windows, of which not can be open (called also "windows fixed" or "fixes") become get increasingly more popular. Before all results it's z fashions on large glazing panoramic. Allows it's well illuminate interior, underline modern features building, optically enlarge room and establish interesting effect "openings" home on terrace or space garden. Especially often windows unopened selected are as supplement yes large glazing i illuminations interiors (usually w case other functional windows). In this article we list advantages i defects windows, which get not open i where check get best. 

Window types unopened

Windows fixed can be split on two types:

Glazed in the wing:
Glass fixed is To wings such as traditional window, but it's window not has metal fittings neither handles. At first projection eye looks such as ordinary window, which can be open i close. Checks get it's both w premises from fixed, such as i opening windows i is easy To adjustments, to establish coherent arrangement.

Glazed in frame:
Glass posts get directly on frame. This type closed windows is more popular. Provides effect panoramic i is ideal To projects websites shop i large glazing residential. Glass windows w under are considered per more tight than windows w sashes (however, it is worth emphasising that ultimately the level of thermal insulation provided by any window, including non-openable windows, depends among other things on the glazing package used, the production technique and whether or not the installation has been improved). What more, is usually cheaper than other types windows. 

advantages and disadvantages of non-opening windows

advantages and disadvantages of non-opening windows

Advantages and disadvantages of non-opening windows

Growing popularity windows, which get not open results z their many advantages. Windows fixed are o dozens percentage cheaper than windows ordinary (o including alone size), a it's very important, if to sb. dreams get very large glazing or many windows. Allows installation larger shaft than conventional windows (e.g. without necessity consideration of endurance fittings). Maybe also develop effects panoramic. W case large glazing z windows open necessary is split their posts on smaller parts, but w case windows permanent not is it's necessary (of course w under opportunities which gives glazing specific system). or material).

Large opportunities at towards geometry create also at selection windows, which get not open. Modern technology allows on production windows o very various shapes, but restrictions for windows opened are more restrictive than for windows unopened. In addition To full openings wings not is required none space (e.g. w room or on terrace). Windows fixed may be also natural choice of from considerations functional. At example, if you choose window corner, worth consider this option.

In addition windows, which get not open, not are equipped w certain elements, such such as fittings, which are subject to natural wear and tear. Thanks to to this not requires yes intensive maintenance such as opening windows i not has problems from tightness caused by cracked fittings. This type windows is often considered per safer. Equipped w robust glass thief is significantly harder puncture get via such Obstacles than Opening ordinary windows. 

However, fixed windows have also some relevant drawbacks. After First, not can be their use To ventilation premises. Property this makes, that w premises rarely assembles get windows, of which not can be open i close. However, mostly supplement windows, which can be open or at least repeal. Fixed glass is very easy w Maintenance, please however remember o its cleaning, because access To him requires both pages. Means it, that if not you want benefit z ladders during washing or not you want employ team professionals, preferably install them only on first floor or balcony.

When is it a good idea to install non-opening windows?

Formerly windows, which get not opened, mounted mainly w premises not belonging to To spaces residential: garages, warehouses, basements, larders. Window fixed it's still good solution,

Helps illuminate premises, which not require ventilation (not has needs installation of more expensive windows opened). Broadcasts get also To lighting attic. Slant ceilings often require installation of many windows, to respectively illuminate entire space. Alternatively you can select unusual location (e.g. just at floor) or other shape.

Windows unopened may low at the expense of provide sufficient access lights daily i may be used w places, w of which installation standard windows opened is difficult (e.g. low mounted windows require large quantities open spaces). sash). Often used are also skylights. Windows fixed it's also natural selection w facilities usability public i premises usable, especially w shops, w of which w websites exposed is product i advertisement. Stays get also popular w office. Facades all-glass are common w modern buildings offices. Thanks to to this solution you can let light daily To its employees i optically enlarge its office. Most z these windows normally get not opens.

W last years increasingly more houses single-family houses has windows, of which not can be open. Private investors prefer choose large glazing. Windows fixed perfectly check get as additional glazings terraces, kitchen i corridors, a also as element larger glazing. However, mostly selected are To showroom on ground floor, which is linked z space daily. e.g.. dining room.

Windows, which get not open, w many situations show get solution most functional or allowing on obtaining desired effect aesthetic. Worth however take care o it, to w peace, w which family stays via longer time, always found get at least one window, which can be open.