Archives 2025

What is window treatment?

What is window treatment?

Obróbka okna to kluczowy proces, który ma na celu przygotowanie okna do montażu, zapewniając jego odpowiednią funkcjonalność, estetykę i trwałość. W tej fazie produkcji dokonuje się różnych działań, które wpływają na jakość i wygląd gotowego okna. Obróbka okien obejmuje szereg działań, które są niezbędne do uzyskania wysokiej jakości produktu gotowego do instalacji.

Rodzaje obróbki okna

W zależności od rodzaju okna, materiału, z jakiego zostało wykonane oraz wymagań klienta, obróbka okna może obejmować różne etapy. W przypadku okien PVC, obróbka może obejmować cięcie profili, wiercenie otworów na okucia, a także szlifowanie krawędzi. W przypadku okien drewnianych proces obróbki może obejmować bardziej zaawansowane techniki, takie jak frezowanie, szlifowanie i malowanie drewna, co nadaje oknu odpowiednią strukturę i wygląd.

Cięcie i dopasowywanie profili

Jednym z najważniejszych etapów obróbki okna jest cięcie i dopasowywanie profili do określonych wymiarów. Dzięki precyzyjnemu cięciu, okna są idealnie dopasowane do przestrzeni, w której mają zostać zainstalowane. Niezbędne jest zachowanie dokładności, ponieważ każdy błąd na tym etapie może wpłynąć na jakość montażu.

Wiercenie otworów na okucia

Kolejnym etapem obróbki jest wiercenie otworów na okucia, takie jak zawiasy, klamki, czy mechanizmy uchylne. W zależności od konstrukcji okna, może być konieczne wykonanie kilku precyzyjnych otworów, które umożliwią późniejsze prawidłowe działanie okna.

Szlifowanie i wygładzanie krawędzi

Aby okno wyglądało estetycznie i było bezpieczne w użytkowaniu, niezbędne jest także szlifowanie i wygładzanie krawędzi profili. Zostają one usunięte z ostrych krawędzi, co nie tylko poprawia wygląd, ale także zapobiega uszkodzeniom lub otarciom podczas montażu i eksploatacji okna.

Lakierowanie i malowanie (w przypadku okien drewnianych)

W przypadku okien drewnianych, obróbka obejmuje także lakierowanie lub malowanie drewna, co nie tylko poprawia estetykę, ale również chroni materiał przed działaniem czynników atmosferycznych. Dzięki odpowiednim powłokom lakierniczym, okna drewniane zyskują dodatkową odporność na wilgoć, promieniowanie UV czy zmienne temperatury.

Dlaczego obróbka okien jest ważna?

Obróbka okien ma kluczowe znaczenie dla ich późniejszej funkcjonalności i trwałości. Dzięki precyzyjnym i starannym działaniom na każdym etapie produkcji, okna stają się bardziej odporne na uszkodzenia, lepiej izolują termicznie i akustycznie, a także prezentują się estetycznie. Dobrze przeprowadzona obróbka wpływa na komfort użytkowania oraz wydłuża żywotność okien.

Obróbka okna to proces, który wymaga odpowiedniego sprzętu, doświadczenia i precyzji. Tylko właściwie przeprowadzona obróbka gwarantuje, że okna będą funkcjonalne, bezpieczne i estetyczne przez wiele lat użytkowania.

Warm window sill

Warm window sill what is it and is it worth it?

Warm sill - what is it and is it worth it?

Warm sill is an innovative solution used during window installationwhich increases their thermal insulation and improves the tightness of the frame-to-masonry connection. It is a special profile usually made of extruded polystyrene (XPS) or polyurethane (PUR) foamwhich is mounted under window as an insulating layer. This effectively eliminates thermal bridges, reducing heat loss and limiting the risk of damp walls around the windows.

How the warm sill?

A warm window sill has several key functions:

  • Provides better thermal insulation - reduces heat loss, resulting in lower heating bills.
  • Seals the joint windows with a wall - eliminates leaks through which cold air could penetrate.
  • Facilitates assembly windows - provides a stable and level base, so that the window is precisely embedded.
  • Protects against moisture - reduces the risk of condensation and mould growth.

A warm window sill is a particularly good solution for modern energy-efficient construction and passive houses.

Warm window sill

Warm sill

How much does a warm sill?

The cost of warm sill depends on several factors, such as material type, profile thickness and width windows. Average prices fluctuate in the following ranges:

  • Standard warm sill XPS - approx. PLN 30-60 per running metre.
  • Warm sill of PUR foam - approx. PLN 50-100 per running metre (a more expensive but more sustainable option).
  • Warm sill dedicated to energy-efficient windows - PLN 100-150 per running metre.

To this must be added the installation costs, which can range from PLN 20 to 50 per metredepending on the region and contractor.

Is it worth investing in a warm sill?

Definitely yes! Warm sill is an investment that pays off in the form of lower heating costs, greater thermal comfort and longer service life windows. This is particularly important in modern construction, where energy efficiency and structural integrity count.

If you are planning to replace windows or building a new home, it is worth considering installing a warm window sill as an additional layer of insulation to provide better protection against the cold and damp.

When to use warm sill?

Warm sill is a solution that proves its worth in many cases, especially when it comes to improving the thermal insulation of a building. Here are situations where its use is particularly beneficial:

  • In new energy-efficient and passive construction -. If you are building a modern home with high insulation performance, warm sill is almost a necessity. Provides better sealing windowsreduces heat loss and helps meet standards energy-efficient and passive constructionwhere the aim is to minimise energy consumption.


  • When replacing windows in an older building - If you plan to replace windows in an older house, it is worth thinking about a warm windowsill. Old buildings often have thermal bridgesthrough which heat escapes, leading to higher heating bills and moisture problems. Warm sill will help to prevent this, especially if we install modern, energy-efficient windows.
  •  When you want to eliminate thermal bridges - Thermal bridges are places in the building envelope through which heat escapes to the outside. Warm sill eliminates this problem, improving thermal comfort in the room and protecting against moisture. This is particularly important in rooms exposed to temperature differencessuch as the kitchen or bathroom.


  • In areas with harsh climates - If you live in a region where winters are harsh, warm sill will provide better insulation and greater thermal comfort at home. It will also prevent the phenomenon of frosting windowswhich can lead to condensation and mould on the walls.


  • When you want to avoid condensation at the joint windows and wall - Many people are struggling with evaporation of glazing and dampness around the windowsespecially during the heating season. This is the result of the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the building. Warm sill improves insulation and reduces this phenomenon, thus avoiding problems with damp and mould.


Frequently asked questions:

1. whether warm windowsill is it necessary?

Not mandatory, but significantly improves thermal insulation and joint tightness windows with masonry. It is particularly recommended for energy-efficient and passive houses.

2. whether warm windowsill Suitable for all types of windows?

Yes, it can be used both under PVC windows, woodenas well as aluminium. It is available in various variants to suit systems windows.

3. whether it is possible to install warm windowsill in an existing building?

Yes, but this is best done during exchanges windows. In an existing building, installation may require additional building work.

4. What materials are used in the production of warm window sills?

The most common use is extruded polystyrene (XPS) or polyurethane (PUR) foamwhich have high thermal insulation properties.

5. how the assembly goes a warm windowsill?

It is installed prior to embedding windows. Assembly consists of gluing and sealing the profile on the substrate and then set the frame on it windows.

6. whether warm windowsill affects the installation of the external and internal sills?

Yes, it facilitates the installation of window sills, providing better support and tightness of connections.

7. how much does it cost to install a warm windowsill?

The price depends on the contractor, but is usually PLN 20-50 per running metredepending on the complexity of the work.

8. whether warm windowsillt can be used for large glazings?

Yes, especially in the case of sliding systems (HS, PSK)where stability and insulation of the lower part of the structure are crucial.

9. whether warm windowsill prevents freezing windows?

Yes, it eliminates thermal bridgeswhich are the main cause of frostbite at the interface windows and masonry.

10. What are the differences between a warm windowsill and a standard foundation for window?

Standard underlay often does not provide such good insulation and airtightness, whereas warm windowsill significantly reduces heat loss and improves stability windows.

What do you clean the windows with?

What do I clean my windows with to get them perfectly clean?

What do I clean my windows with to get them perfectly clean?

Clean windows are the showpiece of any home or flat. However, in order to avoid streaks, smudges and deposits, it is worth knowing what is the best way to clean them. The right choice of cleaning agents and cleaning technique will allow you to enjoy perfectly clear windows without unnecessary effort.

Home remedies for window cleaning

Many people are satisfied with simple, homemade ways of cleaning their windows. The most popular solution is a 1:1 solution of water and vinegar. Vinegar effectively removes dirt, leaves no streaks and gives the windows a shine. Another way is to use warm water with lemon juice, which has similar cleaning properties and leaves a pleasant fragrance. Some people also use water with glycerine, which prevents dust and rain from quickly settling on the windows.

Ready-to-use window cleaning products

There are many professional window cleaners available on the market. It is advisable to choose those that do not contain ammonia, as this can damage the surface of the glass and affect health. Popular cleaning products contain isopropyl alcohol, which evaporates quickly without leaving streaks. If you want an environmentally friendly solution, you can reach for biodegradable glass cleaners that do not contain harmful chemicals.

Which window cleaning tools to choose?

In addition to the right cleaning products, the choice of window cleaning tools is important. The best options are:

  • Microfibre - Absorbs water perfectly and leaves no streaks.
  • Chamois leather cloths - a natural material that gently cleans windows.
  • Rubber squeegees - reliable in removing water and dirt without leaving any streaks.
  • Window steamer - effectively removes dirt without the need for detergents.
Window cleaning

Window cleaning

How to clean windows properly?

For best results, it is worth following a few rules:

  1. Wash windows on a cloudy day - the sun's rays cause liquids to dry quickly, which encourages streaks.
  2. Start with the window frames - removing dust and dirt from the profiles will prevent them from being transferred to the glass.
  3. Use two cloths - one for cleaning and one for polishing.
  4. Wash the glass with vertical movements on one side and horizontal movements on the other - this will allow you to spot any streaks more quickly.
  5. Don't forget the seals and fittings - their regular maintenance extends the life of your windows.


Clean windows not only mean better aesthetics, but also more natural light in the rooms. Regular window cleaning, the right choice of cleaning agents and tools will allow you to enjoy spotlessly clean windows without streaks and stains. By choosing effective, yet safe cleaning methods, you can make this task much easier and achieve a long-lasting effect of shiny windows.

Winchester windows

Is winchester colour still fashionable for windows in 2025?

Is the Winchester colour still fashionable for windows in 2025?

If you are considering windows in colour Winchester, we have a great offer for you! We are currently offering additional 10% discounts on windows in the system KÖMMERLING in this unique colour. Take advantage of our promotion and invest in the elegant, durable and energy efficient windowswhich fit perfectly into a variety of architectural styles. Don't wait - this offer is limited in time!

Colour windows is one of the most important elements that affect the appearance of the entire building. Choosing the right colour for the window profiles can give the building an elegant, modern look and also emphasise its style. One colour that has been very popular for years is Winchester - A deep, dark shade of brown with a delicate, rustic shade of red. But is the colour still on trend in 2025? We answer this question.

Winchester - timeless elegance

Colour Winchester is characterised by a warm, deep brown shade, which blends perfectly with natural materials such as wood or stone. It introduces elements of classic style to the space while giving it a modern feel. Many people choose this colour because is elegant, universal and fits into both modern and more traditional settings.

Due to its timeless character, the Winchester colour is still a popular choice. Although the fashion for windows changes from year to year, are shades of brown, including Winchesterare still considered classic i elegant. Windows in this colour match a wide range of buildings - from modern houses to elegant residences.

Colour winchester what kind of colour?

Colour Winchester

Colour Winchester

Colour Winchester is a warm, dark brown shade with delicate red tones. It is characterised by an elegant, natural look that fits perfectly with a variety of architectural styles. It is a colour that resembles the look of walnut-toned wood, but in a more subdued and durable version, thanks to the use of profiles PVC. Windows in this colour blend perfectly with wooden, stone or brick facades, giving the building a warm, classic character.

Colour Winchester in the context of 2025 trends

In 2025, the window market will be dominated by colours natural, and Winchester fits in perfectly with these trends. Nature-inspired colours such as wood tones, browns and greens will continue to be in vogue as people increasingly opt for solutions that bring harmony with their surroundings. Colour Winchester is an excellent alternative for those wishing to give their home a rustic yet modern look.

It is also worth noting that increasing attention is being paid to the issue of ecological i energy efficientand darker colours, such as Winchesterare a great choice for energy-efficient windowsas they protect well against heat loss.

Winchester - the perfect choice for a variety of architectural styles

The Winchester colour is versatile enough to suit a variety of architectural styles. It blends in perfectly with modernist buildings, and also looks great in combination with traditional facades. It harmonises perfectly with dark roofs i wooden finishes, emphasising the natural character of the building. Combined with a modern minimalist style, it can provide an interesting contrast that catches the eye.

Why choose the colour Winchester in 2025?

  1. Timeless elegance - The Winchester colour is a classic that never goes out of fashion.
  2. Versatility - It fits in with many architectural styles and a variety of finishing materials.
  3. Modern and traditional solutions - An excellent choice for both modern and classic buildings.
  4. Trends inspired by nature - Shades of brown and warm colours will be fashionable for many years to come.
  5. Environmentally friendly and energy-efficient - Winchester in conjunction with windows energy-efficient is an investment for the future.

Windows Winchester - Projects

Winchester-coloured windows

Winchester-coloured windows

Windows w colour Winchester is a choice that is gaining in popularity among investors looking for a elegant i permanent solutions. Their deep, warm shade of brown with delicate red accents blends in perfectly with a variety of architectural styles. In construction projects, they are often found in single-family homes, residences and in buildings where the elegance i harmony with the environment are key. Windows Winchester blend perfectly with wooden or stone facades, creating a natural, consistent whole. In addition, their use in combination with modern energy-efficient technologies makes windows These are both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Winchester-coloured windows

Winchester-coloured windows


Which roof to choose for the Winchester colour?

Colour Winchester blends in well with a variety of roof types, both modern and traditional. It fits perfectly with dark roofs - both those covered by shingleas well as ceramic roofs. Colour brown with a warm red accent harmonises perfectly with the dark roof tonesto create a coherent, elegant appearance throughout the building. In the case of buildings with traditional character, roofs covered with wooden shingles or multi-pitch match perfectly with the windows in colour Winchester, highlighting the natural beauty of the materials. In contrast, in modern homes where the dominant simple form i minimalism, windows Winchester can provide an interesting contrast to dark roofsgiving the building a unique character.

What are the opinions on Winchester windows

Windows in colour Winchester They enjoy very positive feedback from users. Among the main advantages are their elegant design i durabilitythat make windows These fit in with a wide range of building styles. Customers also appreciate high quality workmanship windows and energy efficiencythat they offer. Good quality profiles PVC w colour Winchester provides excellent thermal insulation and acoustic, which translates into savings in energy consumption and thermal comfort in the home. In addition, weather resistance i easy to clean are other features that often appear in the reviews. Overall, windows Winchester is a trusted choice among those seeking aesthetics and functionality.

Facade a Winchester

Windows w colour Winchester is an excellent choice for facades, especially those characterised by natural i rustic character. Their warm brown shade blends beautifully with wooden facades, stone or brick, giving the building an elegant yet cosy appearance. Windows Winchester also fit into classic stylebut they look just as good in modern buildings, where they provide an interesting accent. Different finishessuch as matt or glossy profiles, allow the windows to match different architectural styles. Depending on your choice, windows these can enhance the appearance of the building or provide a subtle but elegant architectural element. Colour Winchester gives the façade a unique character, being an ideal combination with different finishing materials.


Colour Winchester does not lose its popularity and continues to be an excellent choice in 2025. Its elegant, warm brown shade suits a wide range of architectural styles and works well with natural materials. If you are looking for windows that are elegant, durable and match modern trends, colour Winchester will be a hit. Combined with energy efficient solutions, it will not only provide you with an aesthetically pleasing, but also a comfort i savings for many years.

If you are considering windows in colour Winchester, we have a great offer for you! We are currently offering additional 10% discounts on windows in the system KÖMMERLING in this unique colour. Take advantage of our promotion and invest in the elegant, durable and energy-efficient windowswhich fit perfectly into a variety of architectural styles. Don't wait - this offer is limited in time!